Yoga and its Kinds

For a better path to follow in life, take yoga. “Yoga” means “that which brings you to reality”. By itself, it is already a complete path – although it can be as a simple practice or exercise; an art form and just for entertainment or a way of life. Today, yoga as physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines are used for its various benefits.

What is Yoga?

Yoga is the unity of the individual’s soul or consciousness with the Universal Consciousness or Spirit. Yoga has been part of Indian body of knowledge for 5000 years. Most people consider yoga as only a physical exercise or creating different bodily postures while breathing in the most complicated ways. But these are only some of the most evident aspects of this extraordinary science. Yoga is one of the best ways to uncover unlimited possibilities of the human mind and soul. Yoga’s essence is your Way of Life.

Kinds of Yoga

There are many kinds of yogas to fit individuals and their needs. Try them and later identify one that fits you.

Vinnitsa Yoga

It means linking breath with movement. Postures are performed in flowing-like fluid movements while in meditation or in a dance. Its popularity is due to many sensual movements that are intensified and perform by candlelight with the eyes closed.

Ashtanga Yoga

It means “eight limbs”. As a traditional Indian yoga, it goes beyond the yogic lifestyle. You synchronized your breathing as you move through a series of postures.


Iyengar Yoga

It is named in honor of a famous Indian yogi, B.K.S. Iyengar. This practice emphasized alignment using breathes control in the asanas through pranayama. There is no music and in slower pace to get deeper into the postures.

Bikram Yoga

Designed by Bikram Choudhury, it has twenty-six yoga postures and two breathing exercises. Lasting for 90 minutes, it is performed in a room with 40% humidity in 105 degrees Fahrenheit.

Jivamukti Yoga

Created by Sharon Gannon and David Life in NYC, vamukti means “liberated being.” An ideal blend of spiritual and physical exercise, it combines Sanskrit chanting, Pranayama, and movement.

Power Yoga

Ashtanga yoga poses are performed more quickly and often using upbeat music. It is utilized to add core exercises and for upper body work. .

Sivananda Yoga

Originated by Vishnudevananda; this is based on the five yogic principals: breathing properly; diet; exercise; relaxation and thinking positively.

Yin Yoga

As a meditative yoga, your body is comfortable assuming a pose without doing any work (strength). Its focus is to lengthen the connective tissues within the body. This yoga is also called Taoist.