Herbal / Chinese / Ayurvedic Medicines

Three of the most popular ways of healing are Herbal, Chinese and Ayurveda medicnes. They remain the most ancient living healing traditions. Today, global interest is focused on how they are effective as medicine. Countless tests and efforts are done to monitor and regulate their uses.

Traditional medicines

Traditional medicines have withstood their healing efficacy since time immemorial. From ancient times, people from different cultures throughout the world were consuming plants as treatment or applying plant extracts on their skin as topical ointment to assist in healing bodily functions.
Originating in China evolving millennia, medical practitioners utilized herbal medicines plus many mind and body regimens like acupuncture and tai chi, to heal disorders and maintain good health. People around the world have been using these Chinese approaches to complement many of their health practices.
More than 3,000 years ago, Ayurvedic medicine was already a healing system in India. It is based on the concept that the delicate balance of the body, mind and spirit is the source of health and wellness.

Beneficial Herbals

Two-hundred-two drugs are considered by the World Health Organization as essential medicine originated from plants. This makes about 25% of drugs prescribed worldwide as plant derivatives.
Among the most powerful herbs are:
1. Cinnamon has powerful anti-diabetic effect as it reduces the level of blood sugar. It is a well-known spice used in many recipes and baked stuff.
2. Peppermint relieves IBS pain and minimizes nausea. It is the oily component in herbs that contains the agents responsible for the health effects.
3. Turmeric contains curcumin, a substance with powerful anti-Inflammatory effect. This is the spice that gives curry its yellow color.
Among its many health benefits

  • Fortifies the immune system.
  • Contains anti-Inflammatory properties.
  • Lessens blood sugar levels and cholesterol